Body Paint – Series 2

The Body Paint sessions started with an idea put forward by a dear friend , Kelly the co-founder of Sacred Union Yoga.

She wanted for women to bring to life an experience that they have as Sacred Union students.

“They really had to reach that point of love, acceptance and grace within their bodies.. that doesn’t mean it was easy they definitely had to get past that voice that says ‘I can’t do this because____’. Kelly

You can read more about the experience HERE

“It was an incredibly powerful experience and my hope with the sharing of these images is that women will see themselves in the images… they will see their own stretch marks, their own rolls, their own shape, their own breasts, their own curves and that they will think… oh my goodness it’s beautiful… it’s perfectly imperfect and it’s beautiful.’ – Kelly Wolf, Founder of Sacred Union Yoga & Dance”

Presented by: The Centre of Sacred Union

Photography:Tracy Lee Photography

Artwork: @angebroso @evelynjoyart


Hair: @rhiannanwardhairstylist

Headpieces: Rockstars and Royalty

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