In my skin

IN MY SKIN was a follow up from the Precious Things project. I wanted to explore how we can throw off the hang ups of the socialized body images we had in our youth and depict strong women who embrace the beauty of living in their own skins in their own environment.

The result, beautiful and raw images, showing strong women simply “being” present in their own bodies. I want other women to see these images and identify with some aspect of them (the same body shape, expression, mood conveyed, confidence, vulnerability…. whatever the viewer perceives). And to plant the seed that they too can take back ownership and control of how they choose to be in their own skin- from how they dress, feel comfortable in their own nudity and general body empowerment.

We shared stories of how our early experiences shaped our behaviour in our youth. And how these affected our body image as we emerged into adulthood. For some of the subjects in these photographic images, it was the final act of finally embracing themselves in their own skin.

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